As I write to you , the battle continues to rage in Gaza . IDF soldiers are dying nearly every day . I attended the funeral of a young man , only 20 years old , who gave his life defending the people of Israel ; and he wasn ’ t even born Jewish . This was Uriah Bayer , a dedicated believer in Yeshua , the grandson of repentant German Christians who came to Israel to serve Holocaust survivors .
“ Greater love than this has no one than this , than to lay down one ’ s life for his friends ” is Yeshua ’ s enduring comment on the nature of true love . This , Uriah did in our time of greatest need . Will I respond to familial , congregational , or national crises with sacrificial , self-denying love ?
Here is the constant question I hear from God : “ Where is your heart , Eitan ?” In different words , it was what He asked Elijah at the cave of his depression and discouragement ,
“ What are you doing here ?” ( 1 Kings 19:13 ).
I don ’ t hear in God ’ s question a scolding , but rather a Father ’ s caring and redirecting . Where is your heart , beloved brother / sister ? May your heart be broken , seeking , loved and loving in this momentous time .
[ NOTE : For further heart encouragement , I invite you to read With All Your Heart , a book I wrote during Covid isolation . It ’ s available in print or audio on Amazon .]
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