What was once seen by the Jewish community as a harmful product , a product that Jews just don ’ t get , despite most having never given it a try , must be presented in a new light , one based in relationship and trust . The only way to break mistrust is to introduce trust . You can ’ t just say , “ Hey , don ’ t mistrust ;” rather , “ Hey , you can trust me , and let me prove it to you ,” and we know that trust is built over time .
There often is an urgency in sharing the Good News . Sometimes all we are given is 30 seconds to plant a seed , and that is good . If , however , we ’ re praying and seeking an opportunity to develop something with someone whom we know we ’ ll have much more time , we really ought to view it as a marathon , not a sprint . It ’ s difficult . We live in an instantaneous society and patience is not a virtue anymore . ( It ’ s more like a relic ). Sometimes too a key component to this all is just being yourself and letting them observe you and see that you ’ re a decent , kind ,
A P R I L 2 0 2 4 • T I K K U N A M E R I C A R E S T O R E | 1 4 trustworthy person ; all conversations don ’ t have to be centered around Yeshua . You can be really honest with yourself , “ If I were someone else , would I want to be around me ?”
Remember , you ’ re a satisfied customer , not a salesman . People trust the recommendations of others because they trust the person .
Keep in mind the matter of risk . Any relationship requires risk . Prayer and mentorship are huge in learning how to take risks well . You may even want to journal or process mentally what you did and what was the response and how you could do better . Inasmuch as it should be an organic matter , strategy is involved .
At the heart of this is desire and becoming like Yeshua . Yeshua loved people and He had compassion on them . He came to save the lost . He expressed His love in being with people , and just like in any relationship , that is composed of talking , listening , doing , and helping . He went to people and people came to Him . Frankly , I see most of those in the Body in the States expecting predominantly the latter . We need to be filled up more with His love for people that we are praying more for , “ With whom can I share ? Who needs to hear this right now ? Who needs ministry at this moment ? To whom can I express compassion and care ?” If we ask these questions and pray into them , He will guide us because it is His will . God sent Yeshua to save the world because He loved the world . He didn ’ t send a message , but a man , someone we could relate to .