We demonstrate our freedom by how we relate to everyone around us . It influences interrelationships among employers and employees , parents and children , wealthy and poor , family to orphan and widow , etc .
FREEDOM becomes a testimony to comfort and encourage others .
Your story of overcoming trials will bring hope to those who are in despair . What has God set you free from ? Sin ? Pain ? Betrayal ? Addiction ?
“ He encourages us in every trouble , so that we may be able to encourage those who are in any trouble , through the very encouragement with which we ourselves are encouraged by God . For just as the sufferings of Messiah overflow into us , so also through Messiah our encouragement overflows . If we are suffering hardship , it is for your encouragement and salvation . Or if we are encouraged , it is for your encouragement , which produces in you the patient endurance of the same sufferings that we also suffer .” ( 2 Corinthians 1:4-6 TLV )
FREEDOM instills hope to endure .
We remember that we were set free in the past , so our Heavenly Father can set us free once again from hardships that we are facing now .
“ He who rescued us from so great a danger of death will continue to rescue us — we have set our hope on Him that He will rescue us again .” ( 2 Corinthians 1:10 TLV )
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“ These things I have spoken to you , so that in Me you may have shalom . In the world you will have trouble , but take heart ! I have overcome the world !” ( John 16:33 TLV )
May you celebrate this Passover with new awareness of your freedom in Messiah . And if you aren ’ t free yet , may this be the year of your redemption !
Benjamin Juster Editor in Chief