Chanukah is a post-Tanakh ( Hebrew Scriptures ) Feast which celebrates the rededication of the Temple after the Maccabees , under Judah Maccabee , defeated the Syrian Greeks in the Jewish Month of Kislev , 25 , 164 B . C . Although the Jewish holiday of Chanukah is not considered one of the major biblical holy days , in its celebration , God ’ s people recount a major historical event . It did seem impossible that Israel would win this war when they seemed vastly outnumbered . The defeat of the Syrian Greeks had a great effect on the consciousness of Jews in the first century , and in part motivated the rebellion of the Zealots against Rome .
They reasoned that if God delivered Israel under the Maccabees , then God would likewise deliver Israel from Rome . It was not to be , and Yeshua predicted their defeat at the hands of the Romans . Israel eventually gained their total independence under the Maccabees . Sadly , it did not take long for Maccabean John Hyrcanus to usurp power and declare himself both King and High Priest . There was no attempt to reestablish the Davidic dynasty .
However , we should turn to the happier thoughts about the Holiday . This is mentioned in John 10:22 in stating , “ Then came Chanukah ; it was winter in Jerusalem .”
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