In light of the present War in Israel , we cannot miss the profound importance of this work of love and unity between Arab and Messianic Jewish leaders .
This is best seen how over Pentecost in Jerusalem this year , hundreds of these global prayer and missions leaders came together with believing Jewish and Arab leaders in a United One New Man to release a ten-year focus to proclaim the Gospel to the whole world , moving towards a celebration of Yeshua / Jesus ' s 2,000 anniversary .
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I can tell you firsthand , as I was there , that John 17 love and unity were felt and experienced by all who were present . No mention of individual ministries , but rather a focus on the Kingdom of God and its expansion throughout the earth .
You can watch these events on our website in our " Equipping the 100 Million Watchmen '' section at - https :// reconnectingministries . org / 100- million / . With you can also view one of our Romans 911 Project Talks interviews at - https :// reconnectingministries . org / r911- talks / featuring one of these Messianic leaders in Israel , Asher Intrater , who is doing his best to live out this love and unity .
I have been involved with this emerging prayer movement for almost ten years . 10 Days of Prayer , The IPC ( International Prayer Connect ), and the Global Family of Prayer , which is a 24 / 7 virtual prayer room with over fifty participating nations that I have helped get started . It has changed my life and others and has dramatically helped in increasing my own connection and intimacy with the Father and Yeshua our Messiah .
The Body of Messiah that will arise during these days will surely be a praying Ekklesia . And it will be God ' s love through us that will fulfill our mission on the earth .
Saints of the living God , arise and join us , and let ' s journey together into His Kingdom plans to make us ready and to prepare the way for His return !