Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Kislev | November 2023 | Page 13

The Hanukkah story recounts the plight of our forefathers to restore correct worship to God against both a foreign king and fellow Israelites who drew us away from God ’ s commandments . ( See 1 Maccabees chapter 1 ) Judaism calls this type of improper worship Avodah Zarah ( literally “ strange worship ” or idolatry ). The Maccabees fought back valiantly against this and eventually cleansed the Temple , restoring proper worship and instituting the Festival of Hanukkah .
Now Maccabeus and his followers , the Lord leading them on , recovered the temple and the city ; they tore down the altars that had been built in the public square by the foreigners and also destroyed the sacred precincts . They purified the sanctuary and made another altar of sacrifice ; then , striking fire out of flint , they offered sacrifices , after a lapse of two years , and they offered incense and lighted lamps and set out the bread of the Presence . When they had done this , they fell prostrate and implored the Lord that they might never again fall into such misfortunes but that , if they should ever sin , they might be disciplined by Him with forbearance and not be handed over to blasphemous and barbarous nations . ( 2 Mac . 10:1-4 , NRSVUE ).
The way we worship is essential in walking with the Lord . Yeshua says He is looking for worshippers that worship in Spirit and in Truth . ( John 4:24 ) As a musician and worship leader , I highly value private and corporate worship through music and song .
A powerful worship service where musicians are flowing in the Ruach can produce personal transformation ( Eph . 5:18-19 ), repentance ( Psalms 130 ), deliverance ( 1 Sam . 16:23 ), and the manifestation of spiritual gifts within the community . ( 1 Sam . 10:4 , 2 Kings 3 ; 15 , 1 Chron . 25:1-7 , 1 Cor . 14:26 ) In this , we must remember that worship goes far beyond our powerful anthems , hymns , and the spiritual songs we sing . Worship is our daily walk with Yeshua . Worship permeates our being when done in the power of the Ruach who dwells in us . Worship is effective and transformative when done in the truth of God ’ s Word .
My first spiritual father told me as a brand-new believer ,
“ The deeper your roots the greater the fruits .”
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