The Feckless West
The feckless West is now more and more aligning with Israel ’ s enemies , who themselves are seeking to make Israel ’ s self-defense effort a crime . The West has imported a fifth column of Islamic fascists which amazingly have allied with the useful idiot leftist . They take over the streets and campuses and require ending investments in Israel . Weak college administrators and leftist city councils are likely to give in .
China and Russia as Allies of Iran
For their own purposes for world domination Russia and China are now allied with Iran .
Well , you get the picture . It is as if the biblical picture of all nations coming against Israel is beginning to happen . Credible prophecy teachers see the last wars as Islamic led . It is foolish for the Prime Minister to profess his faith in the Israel Defense Forces to save us . We will need the salvation which only comes from Yeshua . In God we must trust !
The last word is presented in the Bible . It will be the Feasts of victory and Chanukah that will prevail . Joel 3 , Zechariah 12 , and 14 and Ezekiel 38 , 39 and many more passages show us the end of the story . This is a time for much prayer , revival and a great harvest in Israel .
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