Additionally , Micah 5:2 foretells the Messiah ’ s birth in Bethlehem , a prophecy fulfilled at Yeshua ’ s birth .
The New Covenant is built on the foundation of the Old Covenant , and its writings have been proven as trustworthy , historical documents . It is also important to note that New Covenant authorship is reliable , and their testimony is confirmed by historical and archaeological studies . It is equally important for Messianicbelievers to remember the New Covenant manuscripts had no motive to lie , that they suffered for their accounts , and they wrote while eyewitnesses were still alive .
When we proclaim the Good News of Yeshua , it is important for us to remember the philosophical evidence of Yeshua ’ s messiahship . Such epistemology derives from the idea of sensus divinitatis ( sense of divinity ), where believers affirm that belief in Yeshua is a natural and rational part of our own human experience . Calvin argued that all people have an innate sense of the divine , or in knowing that God exists ( cf . Rom . 1:20-21 ). This is even further appreciated as we consider that Yeshua is consistent with this natural capacity , thus addressing modern cultural subjectivity while emphasizing that belief in Yeshua does not need external evidence to be rational or true !
Moreover , the concept of objective truth supports Yeshua ’ s claims , and specifically , “ I am the way , the truth , and the life ” ( John 14:6 ). This assertion by Yeshua is a statement of universal truth , refuting the idea of subjective or relative truth . The law of noncontradiction supports this by revealing that Yeshua ’ s identity cannot be both true and false at the same time . Thus , Yeshua ’ s claims must be judged by logical consistency and not personal preference , or opinion . In the end , Yeshua is who He claims to be !
For us as believers in Yeshua , it is both disturbing and clear how skepticism has blinded the eyes of many . As such , many claim that Yeshua ’ s life and miracles were fabricated , and were even modeled after pagan myth . However , the New Covenant manuscripts , written within a generation of Yeshua ’ s ministry , disprove this false theory . Early documentation , such as the John Rylands Papyrus , dated around 117-138 C . E .,
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