Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Elul | August 2023 | страница 2



RICHARD CLEARY Richard Cleary is the senior leader of Kingdom Living in Kansas City , MO . Richard also serves on the Tikkun America Apostolic Team . He serves as the Lead Pastor on a strong eldership team of gifted men that lead called Kingdom Living / Mamlacha Chai congregation together . Their leadership team consists of covenant friends who get to serve an incredible community of Messiah ’ s followers . Richard is married to Sarah Elise and they have three children together .
DANIEL JUSTER Daniel Juster is the senior apostolic leader of Tikkun America and is on the Board of Directors for Tikkun International . He has been married to his wife Patty for over fifty years and they have four children and eleven grandchildren . Dan is one of the founders of Tikkun Global and leads the teaching ministry Restoration From Zion . Dan and Patty live in Israel and come back to the States twice a year to visit the Tikkun America congregations and teach .
Dr . Laban and Shenette Doyle are co-founders of Who Will Lead Them , Inc . A faith-based nonprofit organization that coaches individuals to become better leaders while providing high-quality training and support to organizations and ministries that need assistance equipping tomorrow ' s leaders . Dr . Laban has over 20 years of experience working within the nonprofit sector and various ministries and is driven to help educate , equip , and empower individuals of all ages to learn to lead themselves and others well .
JO MILLER Jo Miller came to faith in Messiah Yeshua in 1974 . She and her husband , Jerry , have served in the Messianic movement for over 40 years , leading congregations in Maryland and Florida , and more recently , traveling in the USA and internationally , teaching , ministering prophetically , and working with younger leaders . Jo has a passion for seeing all believers in Messiah discover the fullness of their calling and destiny in Yeshua . Jo and Jerry have been married since 1977 and have two daughters and five grandchildren .