Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Elul | August 2023 | Seite 19

standing on God ’ s word until we see or sense a breakthrough . Daniel had prayed twenty-one days , waiting while Michael and Gabriel battled demonic forces who were resisting the answer to Daniel ’ s prayers .
The enemy is a thief who has no right to steal , kill , and destroy God ’ s children , and we have the authority to overcome all his schemes through the finished work of the cross and Yeshua ’ s shed blood .
Several years ago , when our oldest daughter , Rachel , was eleven years old , she began to hangout with a group of kids that were very rebellious . She seemed to change overnight . Nothing we said seemed to help . We prayed and spoke Scripture but didn ’ t feel anything was getting through . One day I went into her room while she was at school and laid face-down on her bed . I began crying out to God on her behalf , calling forth her destiny and declaring promises that God had given me when I was pregnant with her . Other days I would spend time in spiritual warfare , fighting for her in prayer , telling the enemy he could not have my daughter . My husband , Jerry , began joining me and we both “ went to battle ” for our daughter .
We did this for two years without her knowing it . One day , out of the blue , she came to us and said she wanted to go on a short-term mission trip to Venezuela with some other Christian kids . We were ecstatic and signed her up immediately . That trip changed her life . God revealed Himself to her personally , and she has been walking with Him ever since . It took two years of persevering prayer . We went from fear to fighting for what we knew God had promised .
God is faithful to answer : A very important truth to remember is that God always answers our prayers , but it ’ s in His timing and in His way . We can trust that God is constantly working “ behind the scenes ” and He will come through at just the right time , though not always in the ways we are asking or expecting .
Whether the answer comes quickly or takes years , always stay connected to Him . As you wait for an answer , look for Him ! He is always there with you . He is by your side in all your circumstances and will walk with you through everything you go through .
When you feel weary and alone and don ’ t know what to do , do not lose heart . Look to Him ! His ways are perfect . He is the answer you seek . He is our peace . Our hope is found in Him , the One who loves us completely and is working everything for our good , according to His purpose .
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