Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Elul | August 2023 | Page 17


In these uncertain times in which we live , it is very easy for life ’ s circumstances to become overwhelming and rob us of our peace . With so many things to distract us , it ’ s easy to lose focus of the One who brings us life and the peace we so desperately need .
What and to whom do we turn to when circumstances feel hopeless ? We as believers know we can turn to prayer , but what happens when our prayers seem to go unanswered , or our circumstances worsen ? We feel our spiritual strength begin to wane and he questions mount up . Why does it sometimes take years of prayer for answers to be seen ? Do I need to convince God that my prayers are valid or worthy of consideration ? Are our prayers simply to motivate the Lord to act ? What happens when we pray ?
Prayer connects heaven and earth : We see in Acts 2 , when the sound of a mighty wind entered the upper room , the atmosphere was instantly transformed from uncertainty to expectation . After years of praying for the Messiah , the disciples immediately entered into the reality of heaven connecting with earth through the Holy Spirit .
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