Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Cheshvan | Nov 2024 | Page 7

unconsciously as your body begins to
“ get it .” And once you learn how , it
becomes a memory embedded deep in
brain — something
you ’ ll
forget .
As I thought about this learning process , I remembered the four pieces of advice I gave my daughter when she climbed onto her bike for the first time . These lessons have since become guiding principles in my life whenever I venture into something new , stepping outside my comfort zone .
Keep Your Eyes Focused on Where You Want to Go
It sounds so simple , yet it ' s so powerful . When you focus your eyes on where you want to end up , the bike naturally follows . Your mind and body coordinate to adjust your balance and direction accordingly . But when fear creeps in , we tend to focus on the obstacles — the things we want to avoid . I ’ ve seen it happen countless times : " I don ’ t want to hit that light post ," yet my eyes stay locked on it . And then — SLAM — right into the light post I go .
“ Therefore , if you have been raised up with Messiah , keep seeking the things above — where Messiah is , sitting at the right hand of God . Focus your mind on things above , not on things on the earth .” — Colossians 3:1-2
God often calls us to step into big , seemingly impossible tasks . Like when Yeshua called Peter to step out of the boat and walk on water .
Peter could do it — as long as his focus was on Yeshua . But the moment he shifted his attention to the wind and the waves , he began to sink .
Discipline yourself to keep your eyes on the goal and , most importantly , on Yeshua . Your spirit , mind , and emotions will align with Him if He has your full attention .
Keep Pedaling It seems counterintuitive , but it ’ s much easier to stay upright on a bike when you keep pedaling . Momentum helps maintain your balance and direction .
If you slow down , the bike starts to wobble , making it harder to stay upright . Speed creates stability and makes the journey smoother .
This principle applies to life as well .
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