Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Av | August 2024 | Page 31

The 4th Commandment that we are to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy is parallel to the 9th Commandment to not bear false witness against your neighbor . Exodus 31:12-17 explains that the Shabbat is a sign between Adonai and the children of Israel , as in a testimony of witness to the truth that the Creator of the whole universe chose Israel . Keeping the Shabbat is being a true and faithful witness of the Creator , and lying is bearing a false witness of Adonai who made us in His image . Truth should dictate practice and our practice should be truth , because what we do is a witness of what / who we believe and trust .
The 5th Commandment that we are to honor our father and mother is connected to the 10th Commandment to not covet anything of our neighbor . This parallel brings everything home to the beginning in multiple ways . First , the other parallels start with our behavior towards Adonai and then move to our behavior toward others , yet this parallel starts with our behavior towards others and then moves into the attitude of our hearts rather than outward behavior . It is an indication that all of the 10 Commandments are issues of the heart to begin with . Second , the more direct connection between coveting and honoring your parents is common but not commonly understood . Consider that most of the circumstances in your life are dependent on your parents and their choices , blessings , and one ’ s role in life .
So , when we covet something else in life , we are in effect wishing that we were born to someone else . Similarly , it is wishing Adonai had chosen something different for us — bringing us back to the fact that this is the God who brought us up out of Egypt ( i . e . His choices not ours for our lives ). In Isaiah 45:9-10 the prophet compares those who strived with Adonai as reflective of the clay rebuking the potter or a child rebuking his parents for giving him birth . Again making the connection between coveting and the dishonoring of one ’’ s parents .
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