Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Av | August 2024 | Page 28

I will not need to hop around between Scriptures to make this case : Moses already did it in Deuteronomy chapters 5 , 6 , & 7 . The core moral tenets of the Messianic faith are the same moral foundation for our call to support Israel . This first article will focus on the 10 Commandments ( 10 Words or Utterances in Jewish thought ) in Deuteronomy 5 . The second article will focus on the Sh ’ ma in Deuteronomy 6 , and the final article will explain the foundation of supporting Israel from Deuteronomy 7 .
In Deuteronomy 5 , Moses repeats the 10 Commandments for the next generation about to enter the land of Canaan . He knows they are the foundation of everything that was told to him on Mt . Sinai . In recounting the overall story in the beginning of Deuteronomy , it seems much of his abbreviated recounting is intended to get to the 10 Commandments as the focal point because after that the Sh ’ ma and the following chapters turn into an exposition and explanation beyond just recounting the story . I think Moses had a long time to meditate on the 10 Commandments over those 40 years in the wilderness . From this perspective , I will reveal a pattern within the 10 Commandments which helps to highlight how cohesive and comprehensive the 10 Commandments are as a moral code for our lives .
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