Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Av | August 2024 | Page 25

This is not something that we see the nation doing right now . This rejoicing for fair judgments and guidance is something that we can and should pray for . It will only come for those of us among the nations that are turning to the source of guidance and salvation in Yeshua , the Lion of Judah , who is the true shepherd . Only then , when the nations come to Him , can they truly praise the Lord . But right now , just as Israel does not recognize their true King , so neither do the nations . And like much of Israel , they do as they please without a King .
As Psalm 67 wraps up , we consider that the praises of Israel , and the praises of the nations are not simply for extraordinary miracles or for eternal salvation , but for the regular mercy and grace which we receive daily and weekly , monthly , and even annually . But this is not just a praise for the annual harvest . From this passage , the Psalmist quotes from Leviticus 26:4 , “... then the land shall yield her increase .” God was clear throughout the Torah that His blessing on the land depended on Israel ’ s obedience to His law . The blessings that God would send Israel were to be a testimony to the surrounding nations of God ’ s glory .
There is no formula for receiving specific abundance from God . Believing something like that is missing the point of the Scriptures . It isn ’ t about Israel receiving specific abundance , but about recognizing that all good things come from God and glorifying Him for that .
We need to trust in His faithful provision , not just of our physical needs , but of our current spiritual , emotional , and mental needs – and our eternal salvation in Yeshua as well . And we are to spread the seed of the testimony of Yeshua ’ s shepherding guidance and salvation with the nations , so that the harvest may come .
We want to see the nations praising the Lord . They will do so by their seeing and understanding the Good News through a blessed and radiant Israel . That will bring about the true ingathering of the nations . As we look forward to fall festivals , we should redouble our prayer for Israel and the nations to receive the blessing of Messiah Yeshua and pray for boldness within ourselves to share this testimony with the nations that happen to be our neighbors .
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