Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Av | August 2024 | Page 19

Paul ’ s instruction here is clear – We are to Wake Up (!) and live as Messiah ’ s people as we remember the goodness of God and our deliverance out of darkness and into His marvelous light . We are learning how to please the Lord as well as learning His ways and exposing the things in our lives that are not of Him . All the while we are to be filled with the Spirit , praising Him and making joyous melodies in our hearts before Him .
Yet everything exposed by the light is being made visible , for everything made visible is light .
This is why it says , “ Wake up , O sleeper ! Rise from the dead , and Messiah will shine on you .” So pay close attention to how you walk — not as unwise people but as wise . Make the most of your time because the days are evil . For this reason do not be foolish , but understand what the Lord ’ s will is . And do not get drunk on wine , for that is recklessness . Instead , be filled with the Ruach , speaking to one another in psalms , hymns , and spiritual songs , singing and making music in your heart to the Lord — always giving thanks for everything to God the Father , in the name of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah . ( TLV )
The late summer and early fall season of repentance on the calendar is marked by remembrance of both terrible days as well as our own shortcomings before God . However , our life in Messiah Yeshua is not just a season , but a lifestyle of remembrance and repentance . As we remember more and more His goodness , and are filled up more and more by His Spirit , and seek Him more and more in our lives , repentance and acts of righteousness become second nature . The Power of the Spirit enables us to see this reality in our lives and we can truly be lights in this dark world . As we navigate this difficult shaking throughout the world , let ’ s approach this High Holiday season awakened by our need and desire to turn to Him for forgiveness . Rabbi Yonah of Gerona thus wrote regarding Repentance :
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