Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Av | August 2024 | Page 17



There is a great joy found in the rhythm of Jewish life throughout the year . Each season has a distinct character . Later , Winter and Spring speaks of God ’ s deliverance as we celebrate both the Feasts of Purim and Passover . The “ death of cold weather ,” when the first springtime weekend arrives , almost always seems to coordinate with Passover and Messiah ’ s death and resurrection . The lengthening of days and the early summer heat warms us up as we are brought to Shavu ’ ot where we remember the fiery spectacle of the giving of Law on Mount Sinai and outpouring of the Spirit . Fall , however , is a changing season , where the warm rays often dim dramatically . This period gives us some of the most intense days of the year , the High Holidays , where we are called to account to examine ourselves and change , and not just into our fall jackets .
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