Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Adar I | February 2024 | Page 7

Toward the end of the book , there was a chapter titled , “ Lead Like a Gardner ,” highlighting varied approaches to cultivating an environment where teams can grow and thrive . Though the chapter is applicable to all kinds of businesses and teams , I was inspired by how these concepts could be adapted to nurturing healthy communities within the Kingdom of God .
Rav Shaul ( Paul ) used gardening language in describing his apostolic role among the Corinthians ,
“ I planted , Apollos watered , but God gave the increase . So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything , but only God who makes things grow . Now he who plants and he who waters work as one , but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor . For we are God ’ s coworkers ; you are God ’ s field , God ’ s building .” ( 1 Corinthians 3:6-9 TLV )
Notice that both Paul and Apollos were workers within the same field . They could sow , water , and nourish , but only God could bring forth growth and produce a harvest . This puts the roles of an evangelist and leader into a sobering perspective . No one has the power to force revival of the human heart . This is a work of the Holy Spirit . So what is our role ? We work to cultivate an environment where people can best grow in the Lord . “ For we are God ’ s coworkers .” We form a team that shares in the work of gardening .
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