Tifton Scene May 2023 | Page 32

Debuting at Rhythm and Ribs was the Ribs and Rides car show courtesy of Southern Gearheads . Rows of classic cars and modern speedsters , all polished to perfection , lined Tift Avenue for festival-goers to see .
Kinleigh Keister and her mother , Karin , stand under the tent of their establishment , Kinleigh ’ s Korner Boutique . Primarily an online boutique that sells women ’ s and baby clothing , as well as hats , jewelry and homemade T-shirts .
Simone Fyffe ’ s business , Art and Honey Co ., offered attendees of the festival various honey-based products , such as teas , caramels and lotion , as well as her own handcrafted art , accessories and paintings . Some of her accessories incorporated imagery of honeybees , with the intent of reminding their owners of the insect ’ s importance .
32 TiftonScene | MAY 2023