Tifton Scene May 2023 | Page 16

“ Penny Chesnut ’ s legacy on ABAC ’ s campus and in the lives of so many college students continues on today , even after her retirement .”
~ Lynda Fisher , ABAC Alumni Director
Chesnut , a Warner Robins native , completed her education degree at ABAC in 1974 before finishing her college career at the University of Georgia with a bachelor ’ s degree and a master ’ s degree in student personnel and higher education . She began working on campus in 1978 , starting as a co-advisor before being hired by the Georgia Baptist Mission Board in 1988 .
She married Charles Chesnut in 1982 and was a licensed counselor , so she did some contract work with ABAC in orientation . She watched both her children , Ashley and T . J ., go through that orientation program .
“ Between my freshman and junior year , I joined the orientation team ,” said Hester . “ At that time , Ms . Penny was in charge of orientation on campus . Her motherly nature and southern hospitality , that was just baked into orientation because she was the one in charge . She was the first impression for thousands of ABAC students .”
Chesnut ’ s impact on the campus went far beyond BCM . Hester said that she started the tradition of BCM members
Penny Chesnut began working on the ABAC campus in 1978 .
giving out water on hot days and hot chocolate on cold days . She was quick to feed anyone that needed a meal , and she gave out both motherly affection and motherly correction when needed .
Her care and support extended to faculty and staff as well . Hester said that when he was managing the college ’ s Lakeside dormitory , Chesnut fed the entire housing staff every year during training to give them a break and night off .
“ She was always a ray of sunshine around campus ,” said Hester . “ She ’ s a mom . She is a better mother than most people have , whether you ’ re her kid or not , she ’ s going to treat you like hers . Whether you need loving on or whether you need correcting or discipline , she ’ s a mom . She was a mom to so many people .”
The ABAC Foundation decided to honor Chesnut ’ s impact on campus by instituting a scholarship in her honor .
“ Penny Chesnut ’ s legacy on ABAC ’ s campus and in the lives of so many college students continues on today , even after her ‘ retirement ,’” said Lynda Fisher , ABAC Alumni Director . “ After 40 years at ABAC , we will honor her with a scholarship in her name to benefit an active member of the BCM .”
Chesnut said that she ’ s very hopeful for the newest crop of students she ’ s seeing coming in . “ These freshmen have been like a breath of fresh air ,” she said . “ They love life . They ’ ll talk about anything , and it ’ s just been wonderful . These freshmen want to learn , they love God , and they make friends .”
Chesnut said that she ’ s seen many kids get saved because they saw the love of God through fellow students reaching out in honest friendship , following in the footsteps she herself modeled throughout the years .
“ When you ’ ve got the love of God in you , you can ’ t help but love people ,” she said . “ You don ’ t make people your project . Just whoever God puts in your path , you just talk to them and you see where God goes with that . Eventually God will show you that this person doesn ’ t know the Lord , so you just have to say ‘ God give me the wisdom to say what I need to say and to shut up when I need to shut up , and You just do Your work .’ And He does , and that ’ s what I ’ m seeing happen around here .”
16 TiftonScene | MAY 2023