Tickled Squirrel May 2015 | Page 33

Albizia Jacaranda Rosewood Branch pruning: Branch pruning, although much less severe than coppicing or pollarding also seriously alters the tree architecture as whole branches are being removed. Branch pruning can be considered for the following reasons; 1) Branches are dead, sickly or diseased. 2) They are crossing over or pushing against another branch. 3) They are growing inward or are otherwise competing with another branch for the same space. These 3 are together called “thinning the canopy”. 4) The need to raise the canopy, to free up the space under the tree or to open up the canopy itself to let more light and air pass. Removing whole branches need to be done with care, as unthoughtful cutting can put yourself or the tree in harm’s way. To keep it simple, use always the 3 step approach, see final image below. Be careful to do the third cut no sooner than after the branch has fallen away from the tree! done by trimming back to lateral branches that are large enough to take over the terminal roles. This technique can be the easiest and also the most difficult of all pruning techniques. If the tree is still small, and all parts can be reached with ease, trimming is done quickly. However if the tree is medium to large sized and not all parts can be reached without the help of ladders or even climbing gear, it can be an arduous task. This is one of the reasons that less experienced persons might resort to pollarding/ branch pruning, as a desperate means to get the tree within manageable proportions again. Trimming is also a common practice on hedges or smaller shrubs to create shape, the more elaborate forms of the latter are called topiary. I will discuss in the next article various examples of trees (Citrus trees, Peach/ Apricot and several ornamentals) and the recommended pruning practices (technique and timing) for them. Trimming: This is the least severe of all the different pruning techniques. If correctly applied it reduces the canopy size without altering the architecture of the tree. Trimming usually does not remove more than 30% of the total volume of the tree. Trimming back in trees is properly 33