Tickled Squirrel May 2015 | Page 25

Making Changes Can we learn from our mistakes? I am wondering what your reply to that will be! Bearing in mind that all happiness comes from positive thinking, let’s just assume that the answer is yes. Can we forget the damage, the emotional upheaval, the pain, that might still linger on at times? Perhaps we can’t forget, but we can move on, and not allow things that have happened in the past to continue to colour our lives in a way that makes us unhappy. How about realising that all the mistakes we have made were part of us learning to cope with life in a better way? We all start off knowing nothing about life and it is with blood, sweat, and tears that many of us finally make the grade and feel that we are at least pleased with the person we have turned out to be. How did that happen? Certainly not by getting everything right as we were going through life! The things that made us think about our work at school were not the ticks on our work, but the corrections, crosses, red ink and low marks, remember? Those were the things that made us start again to look back on what we had been taught, to research, and to try harder next time if we were ever going to be successful in any particular subject. I would say that was pretty good evidence that we can learn from our mistakes! Life doesn’t vary much once outside the classroom, does it? Each and every day, each and every experience is stacked up to remind us that there are things to do and things not to do, and we learn very quickly that we make progress by dealing with things in certain ways. Some lessons are never forgotten, hence the successes in life, and sadly, some are never remembered, hence the failures. Is life just functional to you? Does every day pan out the same? Are you bored? Dissatisfied? Have you lost zest for life? Did you ever have it? It is all down to the way we think, and thinking is the beginning of what makes us act. If we think differently, we will start to act differently. I have seen people transform their lives by just being inspired to think in a different way. If your past way of handling life is viewed as a mistake, make the change today! Violet King Personal Confidential Counsellor For information please ring 966928256 or 600895656. Alternatively send an email to: vmking303@ yahoo.com Do you realise that we all end up being the sort of people we have chosen to be? Nobody else makes those choices for us. We can choose to be different in many ways, and we can either attract people to us or repel people from us - the choice is ours. Just try being aware of every day. Take nothing for granted. Realise that nothing happens by chance, and that it is up to us to use every opportunity that life holds out to us, even if you make mistakes - nothing ventured, nothing gained! We can learn from our mistakes if we choose to. Take Care, Till next time! Violet King. Personal Counsellor For appointments or queries Tel 966928256 or 600895656 My web site: http://www.freewebs.com/makechanges 25 (0