Tickled Squirrel May 2015 | Page 10
The Brain Drain Puzzle Pages
3. Warship (3,2,3)
9. Refund (5)
10. Large flightless bird (3)
11. Command to a horse (3)
12. Automate by computers (11)
14. Effeminate boy (5)
16. Shelter for honeybees (4)
17. Heaps (5)
19. Ripe (6)
20. Organ of sight (3)
22. Bank executive (6)
23. Incident (5)
25. Constituent (4)
26. Thick sweet liquid (5)
28. Brave (11)
30. Filled pastry crust (3)
31. American law enforcement
agency (3)
32. Reptile (5)
33. Runaway (8)
15. Throttle (8)
18. Without sleep (9)
21. Headset (8)
24. Vagabond (7)
25. Suitable (6)
26. Smell (5)
27. Swift (5)
29. Feat (4)
1. Crocodile (4)
2. Larva of frogs (7)
4. Desire for food (8)
5. Place where business is
conducted (6)
6. Person who works for a
wage (4-5)
7. Staggers (5)
8. Covered with dust (5)
13. Commonplace (8)