Making Changes
Who really is in control of you?
Remember….No one can keep you down but yourself.
Once we reach a mature age and are mentally and physically capable, we
can make our own decisions, our own choices, and live our lives in a way
that will enable us to be happy with the person we are - not what we look like,
but who we really are.
Many times the problems we face in life are because we are handling things in a way that makes
no sense. As adults, surely there comes a time when we can intelligently assess our lives, decide
where we want to go and how we want to handle things? Have you ever felt that sometimes you
are your own worst enemy?
Can we be digging our own holes and then falling into them? We all have moments when, no
matter how hard we try, things just don’t seem to work out right, but it may be better to realise and
accept that when everything goes wrong, we have no one to blame but ourselves.
Why not take the time to look at your life, see what you have done so far, and what you would like
to change, if anything, and then do it! I am not referring to ridiculous situations, but recommending
that you have a plan to live the kind of life that you will be happy about. Why continue to live in
misery, and be unhappy about the way your life is going? Even changing your attitude can be
profoundly important in making things feel different for you.
There is an upside to all of this though because, just as you may sometimes be your own worst
enemy, you can also be your own best friend!!
Realisation of this usually occurs when you are ready to accept that the only person on earth who
can determine your failure or success is you yourself.
You may well discover that you are your best friend when you develop the maturity and strength of
character to accept yourself for the person you are, and to take the actions necessary to become
the person you wish to be!….So many people don’t like themselves and yet they don’t seem to
realise that we can all make the kind of changes we need to make to be the kind of person we
would be happy to be.
Are you happy to accept the amount of responsibility? When you sum yourself up honestly, you
can begin to build upon your strengths and compensate for your weaknesses. When you do, you
will realise that the only person who stands in the way of your success is YOU!….It’s true!
Sometimes we just need a little help to see things and handle things differently. I remember a time
when I needed that help and accepted it….what a learning curve!!
Till the next time! Take care!
Violet King.
Personal Confidential Counsellor
For appointments/feedback
please ring
966928256 or 634312179.
Alternatively send an email to:
[email protected]
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