Tickled Squirrel January 2015 | Page 15

sanitary work - blockage removal - building services - central heating - air conditioning died in the early 1990s from a heart attack, and that the local paper did a story about the man who had worked in the cinema for nearly 30 years. Later that day I assisted the contractor with the lifting of a paving slab so he could then dig a trench for the new cable. Leaning the slab against the wall we were baffled by writing engraved on the underside of the slab. It read, ‘Here lies George Mistaken 1873-1914’. Confused, we stood discussing this paving slab and its wording, and soon we were interrupted by an elderly passer-by. She explained to us that all the slabs which were laid down Freeman Street were part of a council budget cut. These paving slabs were once located at Ainslie Street Cemetery but they’d been removed in 1952 when it had closed. Well, the hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end by now at the thought of an entire street consisting of headstones. Eventually, we went back to working on the cable trench lifting several more slabs and reading the names inscribed. The last slab at the entrance to the Cannon Cinema bore the name John. He had come home. water - gas - electrical - solar hot water systems KESY 965 698 082 PLUMBING Installation & repairs to sanitary, gas, central heating. Air conditioning & solar hot water systems. Official gas & water installers covering from Alicante to Benidorm & surrounding areas. All small building services. All kinds of electrical work. We can also deal with all kinds of drain blockages. Mob: 652 857 108 Tel: 965 632 242 [email protected] Food Served Daily Monday – Saturday Sunday 09:30 – 16:00 09:30 – 14:00 What’s On Live Sport / Football Daily Tuesdays Darts 20:00 Wednesday Bingo - eyes down 20:00 Thursdays Quiz 19:30 Friday Fish and Chips 17:00 – 20:00 (Please Pre-Book) Music Quiz 1st Saturday Every Month Avd Pais Valencia Busot 03111 15