What ’ s happening in the midst of winter ? The weather goes from cold to warm to chilly to hot with intermittent snow and ice . Our riding is dependent on what ’ s falling from the sky , how many layers we need and usually doesn ’ t last too long . We may not be riding every day or , for some , we may not ride every week . This can pose some serious safety issues having to do with tire pressure , or lack of pressure , that is . Please remember to check your tire pressure every time you go out . This is especially important during these days of drastic temperature changes . Not to mention , that cold tires are much harder gripping less on the equally frozen , slick asphalt .
Also remember that once we get a weather alert a second regarding ice and snow that may or may not appear , we must watch for the tons of salt and sand that has been scattered across the roadways . Once the warnings are long gone , the sand may remain on the roads and particularly on the exit and on ramps where we need to slow a bit more than normal during this particular time of year .
Last , but surely not least , there ’ s new holes popping right out of the highways . These are sometimes very small , but sadly , there ’ s a few huge ones that could put a bike and rider down in an instant . Be aware that these are there . Be on the lookout for these unexpected dangers !
Be careful out there my riding friends ! We have a lot of miles to make 2017 the best year yet !
Your Riding Writer , “ T ”
28 Thunder Roads Magazine of OK / AR