Thunder Roads Magazine Louisiana | Page 10


The opinion in this article does not necessarily represent the opinion of Thunder Roads magazine or its staff .
Well it ’ s a new year and we have a new president and I , like many , are hoping for a better America . An America without the socialist party , or progressive party destroying America . An America that our hero ’ s can be proud to fight for . As I watch and listen I hear about people who almost lost their mind over the election . Colleges are bringing in psychiatrists to help people with the Democrats loss . I even heard that elementary children were sent to special rooms so they could color to help them cope with the loss . In my opinion students are not being educated there being brainwashed . I ’ m not talking about the animals that went to the streets and protested . They were mostly opportunist that were given an opportunity to act like savages and did so . I am talking about college students that literally lost their minds because the Democrats lost . My question is are our kids being educated or brainwashed by liberal educators ? When was the last time you saw people was go so insane for the loss of an election ? When was the last time elementary students were need a break because a political candidate lost an election ? America is becoming a “ give me take what you want for free nation ” or the liberals are trying to make it look that way . There is something I heard about in colleges called Trigger Words . Trigger words the definition being : “ a word that initiates a process or course of action ”. For instance if I say robbery and you go out and rob someone , somehow it ’ s partially my fault . I know someone in college and they had someone talking to the students over binge drinking as the man said the word drinking one student lost her mind stood up and started screaming at the man for not saying trigger word first . As she stormed out her friend lost her mind saying how could the speaker not mention trigger word . Is this a way to blame someone else for one ’ s wrong doings ? In my opinion yes . Do we need to investigate to see if our children are being

We ’ d Eat dat brainwashed ? In my opinion yes we do . Remember , most Liberals will stop at nothing to have their way . Remember liberals are the people that blame the gun for the shooting not the criminal . Liberals blame our new President for the scum that protested destroying people and property in the streets . This is not protesting . Protesting is a peaceful way for voices to be collectively heard . Not destroying property or blocking traffic on highways . We need to find out as Americans what is going on with our children . Things that are going on in America are not normal . Riots occurring all over this country because a person didn ’ t get elected and people needing psychiatric help because of an election . If this is a hint of things to come we are doomed as a nation .

As we turn the page on history and move into a new era with a new President , those of us who work for a living are hopeful that business will come back to America . We are hopeful that jobs will begin to grow and I firmly believe if Liberals understood that without the workers and the good American people paying taxes , they can ’ t get there handout . I only hope our men and women of our military had a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year . And hopefully the New Year will bring a new America . I would like to educate people on what America could be as opposed to what was done to it the past 8 years . I truly feel we need to start a process of impeaching presidents for lying to the American people . We need to hold Presidents accountable . And we need to end this pardon process presidents have . What right does a person have to let a criminal go when they are so corrupt it affects a nation . Ihope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe
New Year .
American Patriot American Veteran Benton Lovoi
I remember when I was a child my parents and I would go to their friends home and eat dinner . After dinner my dad and his buddy would go to the shop and talk motorcycles and turn wrenches , while my mom and her friend would stay in the house cleaning away the dinner plates and gossiping like only women can do . Me and the rest of the kids , ( my childhood best friends ) got into our own mischief . This month I ’ m bringing that back . It ’ s easy to go to a restaurant and sit down to dinner and listen to the music or try not pay attention to the screaming child in the booth behind you . In the fast pace world we live in now we ’ ve lost so much old school values such as having a home cooked dinner with friends .
My ole man and I were invited to eat dinner with our dear friends Joe and Noodles . Pulling into the drive Joe was on the porch to greet us while Noodles was inside pulling a fresh batch of brownies out of the oven . Noodles and I fixed our ole men ’ s plates as well as ours and we all sat down to eat . Over dinner we shared stories of our week and enjoying homemade lasagna , salad , Corn on the cob and French bread . A wonderful home cooked meal cooked with love , with dear friends , is nothing like that you can put a price on . With parking any were you choose , a warm home cooked meal , and a big ole glass of sweet tea is what this ole country girl at heart gives this month ’ s we ’ d eat dat a 10 of 10 stars , and I challenge you to put down your cell phones call a friend and share your home and love with them . You might just find that good ole “ old school communication ” trumps today ’ s social media and restaurants any day !! by Jenn