Thunder Roads Magazine Louisiana October 2016 | Page 16
Lipstick Riders
Fall is in the air, the children are going back to school, and so is our
next Lipstick Rider. A special chick, who happens to be a Special Ed
teacher at TES. She also has a second job of riding the bus every day,
tending to the SPED students for the last 7 or so years.
So, when our next Lipstick Rider, Loretta Morris isn’t at school she
is out riding her 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 250, because a friend talked her
into it and then taught her to ride. So now, when all the Block Burners
are riding, she’s sporting her own, just like her best friend Aimee Abbott. For the last 2 years, Loretta has made several benefits and poker
Thank you for being a caring teacher to those special children.
Thank you for being a cool chick all around. A busy mother of 2 with 2
jobs still finds time to get on her bike and ride. Thank you for being a
beautiful Lipstick Rider and showing the guys that you love to ride as
much as they do. That’s what my article is all about !
There’s Loretta’s story, tell me yours. My goal in writing this column
is to show everyone that we have some bad ass Lipstick Riders in
Louisiana! Everyday women that love to ride as much as the guys do.
It doesn’t matter what you ride, all that matters is THAT YOU RIDE.... I
love getting to meet all of the lady riders and tell our readers about our
Lipstick Riders. So, if you would like to be featured as one of our bad
ass Lipstick Riders, then send me your story and pictures of your bike
to [email protected] and let your story be told.
Till Next Month,
Dina Moore
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Written by : renee and resourced by “Independent News Source”
Well, here it is another year gone by, and still NO cure for breast
cancer~! There are scientific breakthrough’s that have been made in
recent history, and the tools to detect even the smallest of cells have
been vastly improved. Some claim to have found the cure for breast
cancer. Like this kid, A 16-year-old boy that claims to have discovered
the cure for one of the most dangerous forms of breast cancer. A student , Krtin Nithiyanandam from Epsom, Surrey, says he has found a
way to turn the most deadly form of triple negative breast cancer into
one which is responsive to treatment.
The teenager, who won the Google Science Fair in 2015 for creating an Alzheimer’s test which can spot early signs of the disease, has
been working on the therapy in his school lab. He says: “The prognosis for women with undifferentiated [where the cells get stuck in a
dangerous aggressive form] cancer isn’t very good so the goal is to
turn the cancer back to a state where it can be treated.
“The ID4 protein actually stops undifferentiated stem cell cancers
from differentiating [a form where the cells tend to grow and multiply
slowly] so you have to block ID4 to allow the cancer to differentiate.
“I have found a way to silence the genes that produce ID4 which
turns cancer back into a less dangerous state,” Krtin added.
Well, if you believe it or not, I say Kudos to this young man for his
work in the field and trying to find the cure.
When it comes to bikers collectively coming together in Louisiana
for this most deserving cause, in October( Breast Cancer Awareness
Month), to raise money and awareness to this killer, the first group
of people that come to mind is the group of people putting together
and hosting their 4th annual ride, “Save the Ta Ta’s”. They do not get
enough recognition, but their tireless efforts and their hearts are in it,.
Believe me. Personally, I have many losses in my life to this disease,
including my mother ( pictured far right, top) Naomi Harrall, and her
sister , my Aunt Evelyn, ( pictured far left, top) and my sweet Aunt
Peggy who died one year later than my mother. (Pictured center)
Looking at this photo of the 3 of the most influential women in my life
is bittersweet for me for sure.
We would like to challenge all of you to come together if you do
nothing else this riding season, please support their ride on Saturday,
October 29, starting at 9am at the Opelousas Tourist Center. (Please
see their ad on the Inside back cover for details) Thanks to all of you
that support this!
painted by Michael Mayes