Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine Volume 11 Issue 9 | Page 13

RIDE FOR CHARITY W I T H YO U R F E L L O W C O L O R A D O PAT R I OT S A N D V E T E R A N S ! On Saturday, July 16, KYGO, The Steel Soldiers, and MillerCoors Veterans Group will team up for a charity ride and rally to benefit Freedom Service Dogs. The scenic, 75-mile ride be gins i n Litt leto and ends a n at t Quak Plat er St te R eak ive & Lu rB be i ar nW &G est rill min ste r. $15 for each additional passenger For more info call 303-922-6231 Join more than 400 motorcycle enthusiasts to support the training and placement of service dogs with veterans living with PTSD, traumatic brain injury, mobility impairments, missing limbs, and other disabilities. REGISTER ONLINE: Registration includes t-shirt, breakfast before the ride, and specials on lunch and beverages after the ride. June 2016 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 11