Want to be a contributor or
We need contributors and correspondents for dirt bike off-road
events, on-road cruiser, sport bike and adventure touring, rides, runs
and rallies. Contact us today at contributors@thunderroadscolorado.
com or 720-458-3134.
ello Colorado, welcome to April! This year, it seems
like snow is on the agenda in March, as it often is,
will we have a snowy April as well? April in Colorado
has always been an interesting month. It could be snow one
day with the next day warm and clear and perfect for riding.
I wonder how it will turn out this year?
Last month, as many of you know Katt our cover model
for the July 2015 Thunder Roads Colorado passed away
suddenly. As someone we had worked with, it was a shock
to us and we decided to feature a tribute to Katt again in the
March issue. So we scrambled and worked very quickly
to make our print deadline. Unfortunately, because of
this scramble and time crunch, we ended up with several
mistake of one sort or another in the issue last month.
Firstly, the Ladies up Front article was incorrectly attributed.
Carrie McCauley was the author of that article and it was
I wish that was the only mistake was but it wasn’t. The
next mistake we made was to use the wrong file of the article
for Donnie Efta’s Lynyrd Skynrd custom bike build painted by
Maverick Custom Paint. The draft of the article and article
notes were used instead of the final edition of the article.
This month, Thunder Roads Colorado not only offer our
apologies that the article did not get into the magazine
properly but we also thought it was important to bring you
the full feature article of this strikingly customized motorcycle
paint that was completed by Maverick Custom Paint.
Please, check out the article and pictures as it was meant to
be and let us know what you think about the bike. We think
it is pretty great customization and are proud to feature it
properly this month here in Thunder Roads Colorado.
Again, we apologize to Donny Efta (the motorcycle owner)
and Maverick Custom Paint (the custom painters) for the
mistakes that were made last month and thank you for your
support of Thunder Roads Colorado.
Want to make some extra money?
Full-time and part-time advertising representative wanted. No experience
required. Contact us at [email protected] or 720-4583134.
We want your feedback
Please email us and let us know what you think and what you want to
see at [email protected] or 720-458-3134.
Add your ride, rally or run to our free
events listing page
Send us your event information whether on-Road or off-road, rides,
runs, rallies and events for all types of motorcycles and three wheelers.
We will list it free in our events listing for that month! events@
thunderroadscolorado.com or 720-458-3134.
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Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado
7477 W. Layton Way
Littleton, CO – 80123
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