News Bytes
overall pattern of profiling, and will assist those fighting at
both the state and national level for your right to ride and
your lifestyle, so please get involved and pass this survey
along to every biker you know… https://www.surveymonkey.
Looking for ethanol-free gas? The website Pure Gas (www. is a definitive listing of gas stations that
sell pure, ethanol-free gasoline, and currently lists 10,159
locations in the U.S. and Canada.
“Many cars, motorcycles, boats, aircraft and tools have
engines that run worse, or have parts that deteriorate, when
run on gasoline that contains ethanol. In addition, ethanol
leaves residue on valves and other parts that can hinder
performance,” claims the site.
The website doesn’t get into the political side of ethanol in
gasoline, and this site does not sell advertising or seek sponsors.
You just click on your state or province to find out in your city
those where you can fill up with pure gas without ethanol, and
your search provides a list of 100 ethanol-free gas stations
sorted nearest to furthest. The site also allows visitors to
add new stations or remove existing ones.
You can save the Pure Gas website URL address on your
phone or tablet to use the listing while traveling, or Pure Gas
apps are also available.
The United States will remove a tariff levied on Japanese
motorcycles with engine displacements of over 700cc under the
recently agreed Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, according
to Japan Times, and the 2.4% duty will be eliminated five years
after the multilateral trade deal takes effect.
The United States, Japan and 10 other Pacific countries
reached a broad agreement in early October to establish a
free trade bloc covering 40 percent of the global economy.
For Japan, the new trade initiative will eliminate 99.9% of
tariffs on industrial products within the TPP zone. Japan
has exported about 120,000 motorcycles with engines of
251cc or higher annually to the U.S. market in recent years.
Honda Motor Co., the world’s largest motorcycle maker by
volume, and Yamaha Motor Co., compete with local rivals
such as Harley-Davidson Motor Co., which mainly focuses on
motorcycles with engine displacements of over 600cc.
The U.S. government imposes no tariff on imported motorbikes
with engines of 700 cc or lower. Japanese motorcycle makers are
trying to beef up sales in the United States and Asian markets to
offset flagging demand in Japan, where sales dropped to about
410,000 units in 2014 from a peak of 3.28 million in 1982.
Following the broad agreement reached at ministerial talks
on Oct. 5, the 12 member nations of the TPP will need to
finalize the text of the treaty for formal approval in their
respective countries ahead of final ratification. In addition to
the U.S. and Japan, the ten other TPP members are Australia,
Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru,
Singapore and Vietnam.
QUOTABLE QUOTE: “The true sign of intelligence is not
knowledge but imagination.”
Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Nobel Prize-winning German-born
November 2015
Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 31