Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine Volume 11 Issue 2 | Page 27

There are many examples, but the SRP helps thousands upon thousands of lives. John-Michael went to Oklahoma and assisted in conducting an exercise with over 900 people including students, staff, and first responders. While they were waiting to start and there were a couple of girls that pointed at the Standard Response Protocol posters and said, You know that there are somethings that adults don’t want to talk about; until that poster went up; now we talk about it. John-Michael said; “Kids need to know you have a plan”, Ellen echoed that thought by stating “Talking about it scares the parents, not the kids.” The artwork for the posters, cards, handouts, and the presentation is the same that is given to both students and staff. The standard response protocol is constantly improving because John-Michael is “Out there, absorbing and reformulating”. The Standard Response Protocol addresses a “tough subject that is non-threatening to schools, staff, students and parents”. “Emily gave us a voice, with that voice she told us what to say, I Love U Guys” John-Michael Keyes November 2015 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 25