Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine Volume 11 Issue 2 | Page 15

The lronbutt Rally was a motorcycle competition event that launched from Philadelphia and ran to checkpoints in Bangor , Maine , then to Seattle , San Diego , and Daytona Beach , Florida and finished back in Philadelphia . Pharaoh finished the competition in 242 hours , running his 1970 Shovel head at over 150 MPH most of the 14,000 mile course . Pharaoh rode the only Harley entered in the event , and unofficially represented an entire sub-culture referred to as “ Bikers .” Only 9 other competitors , including the Canadian National Champion , attempted the feat .
Pharaoh finished up the 20th Century as a major hot-rod Harley builder and started the 21st Century teaching the capstone course at a major motorcycle mechanics school in Phoenix for several years , then went to directing the engine and transmission department at Titan Motorcycle of America until they declared bankruptcy .
Partly because they are both American Indians as well as kindred spirits , over the years Knuckles and Pharaoh became very close friends . Pharaoh recently came to visit Knuckles at his shop in Englewood . Knuckles promptly put him to work and Pharaoh has been here ever www . thunderroadscolorado . com November 2015 Thunder Roads Magazine ® Colorado 13