Want to be a contributor or
ell, October is upon us and we have the Halloween edition
of Thunder Roads Colorado with a photoshoot at Reinke
Bros. in Littleton. We also have an article about helmets
from Scott O’Sullivan motorcycle attorney. Scott has brought us
some very useful articles in the past from insurance issues we need
to know about to laws in Colorado governing motorcycles. This
issue he brings us his opinions on helmet use.
Most of you are aware that Colorado requires a helmet for those
under the age of 18. Beyond the age of 18 it becomes a choice to
wear a helmet or not. This month Scott brings you his opinion on the
matter and why he has that opinion. When we received the article
I almost rejected it on the basis that, as Editor-in-Chief for Thunder
Roads Colorado, I didn’t want to be in the middle of what is often a
heated issue. I also didn’t want an article by Scott to be seen as the
opinion of Thunder Roads Colorado.
Why didn’t I want to get involved? There are several reasons.
Firstly, various lawmakers (and non-lawmakers for that matter) think
that helmets make you safe. I think that focus is all kinds of wrong.
Mandating helmet use won’t help to prevent a single accident.
Research has shown that ongoing rider education will help to prevent
accidents at all skill levels.
Now, you might think that helmet use and motorcycle training and
education don’t have much to do with each other but in reality, they do.
It seems to be a money thing. Spending time and money emphasizing
on helmet laws tend to remove the focus on rider education and training.
Since training helps to prevent accidents, I personally think that a focus
there is much more effective than on helmet use. That said, we aren’t
talking about lawmakers here, we are talking about Scott’s opinion.
Since that is the case, we have an article that is unapologetically prohelmet use.
Thunder Roads Colorado is not endorsing Scott’s opinion and we
welcome (and will publish) alternate views. Feel free to send us yours.
Like I said earlier, I don’t always wear a helmet. It is my personal
choice. If I had children, my choice would likely be different. That
said, I do wear a helmet most of the time these days. My wife on the
other hand, pretty much always wears hers. I can think of only one
or two times she hasn’t and those were usually more changing the
parking of the bike than going anywhere.
I guess that between myself, Scott and my wife we represent most of
you out there, some of you wear helmets every single time you get on
your bike and some of you don’t. Now, whether you wear a helmet or
not is your decision. The most important thing is that we all ride and
there is not anything out there that is quite the same as the feeling of
riding a motorcycle whether it is a sports bike or a Harley, it is about
the journey and not the destination.
Keep the shiny side up and have a Happy Halloween!
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events, on-road cruiser, sport bike and adventure touring, rides, runs
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com or 720-458-3134.
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We want your feedback
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see at [email protected] or 720-458-3134.
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thunderroadscolorado.com or 720-458-3134.
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Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 3