Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine Volume 11 - issue 1 | Page 17

T he name of this build is Burning Point and it was two years in the creation. My sons helped with the build, Mike immensely so with the design and build and my other son Ricky and grandson Kade helped a lot with the assembly. The name Burning Point came from being in hell fighting off the demons. This is detailed by the one-off, House of Color fire-red paint and the custom airbrushing with all of the skulls engulfed in fire, burning and screaming in pain. This bike is based on a 2007 Beast frame with a 19 inch front and 250 rear Venom tires. It packs a punch with a S&S Super Stock engine and a Super G induction system. The frame has a forty degree rake with six degree trees and forks that are six over and inverted. The handle bars are custom designed along with all of the tins. It is set up for a 20hp hit of NOS when needed along with a 3 1/4 inch Ultima open primary with a custom cover to hold that horsepower. The transmission is an Ultima six speed. The chin spoiler is another oneoff design and all of the hand tooled leather, including the seat, was built specifically for this bike. It also carries a RSD pulley with a 1 1/2 inch belt along with Performance Machine brakes. The wheels are heavy spoke Mammoth wheels to complete the design. Richie Russolello Would you like to have your recipes appear in the magazine? Just email us at [email protected] and we will try them out and might just print them here! Make sure you include a little history of the recipe and where you got it from. October 2015 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 15