Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine Volume 11 - issue 1 | Page 11

REINKE BROS Our October photoshoot for Thunder Roads Colorado took a bit of doing and several people coming together to make it happen. Lisa and I talked about the project back in May, I kept my eyes open looking for the perfect bike and I wanted very much to do the photos at Reinke Brothers Haunted Mansion in Littleton. makes great photographs. Drew’s gothic side comes out on occasion on Facebook so I had asked him to join us as well. Vampire teeth! Lisa’s fangs are not plastic pop-ins, these are the teeth she smiles with year round. Of course everyone who meets her including myself has to ask the obvious question, “Are those your real teeth?” Depending on her mood she will either smile at you or bare all for a testbite preview and say, “Yes, they are.” I can vouch for her that she always has them--even at work escorting patients to the exam rooms. So of course I was more than pleased that she was interested in being on this project. I had just thrown a Hail-Mary pass on Facebook to find a bike, since the one I wanted was on its way to Las Vegas for a show; another I had in mind from Paper Cycles is on hold for a future shoot. But then I went to cover the Bike Show at Mile High Harley Davidson in Aurora. I walked in and started to drool and had to pop my eyeballs back into my head. I have never seen so many high end show bikes in one place. Someone grabbed me and said you’ve got to see this bobber, so off we went to check it out and the stars aligned and a full Halloween moon came out and I knew it was the one! A springer front end with so much gleam and detail I quickly asked whose bike it was so I could try to persuade the owner to bring it to Reinke’s and get the Vampires to sit on it for a photo shoot. Dave Weaver was happy to bring his beautiful custom bike! Then there is Drew, a very handsome young front man on the local band scene that I enjoy chasing around with my camera whenever I can. The first time I met Drew he was singing with a band performing at one of the Bike Runs I was on last summer. He was comfortable with the camera in his face and was playing into the camera and this always I knew both Lisa (you may have seen her before on a motorcycle centerfold) and Drew have modeling experience in the past so this made my job easy, but I just could not find that perfect bike or get a hold of Reinke Brothers. October 2015 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 9