Another Word
“Amazement” is
another word for
“surprise.” Help your
child understand by
showing each other
a facial expression of
Happy Ending
Talk with your child
about why Thumbelina
has finally found a new
home. How many
different characters
wanted to marry her?
Why does the king
seem the best for her?
Thumbelina watched in amazement as all of the other
flowers opened, and each had its own tiny person inside.
The little man with the crown said, “Welcome, Thumbelina.
You have found a new home at last. Here you shall be my queen.”
He placed a tiny golden crown on Thumbelina’s head and fastened
a pair of beautiful pale wings to her shoulders. They made a happy
and loving pair.
And so Thumbeli ?H[?H?[??]?Y\[H]?\?Y?\?[?B?[??H???\??[?H?Z\?Y\???H[???L???L???H???Y?H??[?][?B??[X?[[?H?\?????XYP[?YB??]?Z[X?H?H???H??Z???Y?K????