ThugLife jun. 2014 | Page 6

Interview with: Snoop-Dogg

How much do you know about youth these days, in particular the thug sub-culture that you have a big following of?

-I think that the stereotypical thugs these days are very much the same as they were back when I was growing up. They are still the ones growing up in rough neighbourhoods, sitting right at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder.

What are your opinions on the topic of youth crime and the effect that living in a low economic household has on these youths?

-I think these kids fall to crime due to the fact that they are surrounded by it, along side the fact that they don't have much themselves. They have this desire to have more than what they do and crime seems to be the only way to obtain them seeing how jobs for these guys are a lot harder to find.

what can we do to stop these kids from falling into this negative lifestyle?

-I think that sports are the way to go. If you give them something to strive towards and an outlet for all the anger and energy they have then I believe we can save a lot of kids from doing things they'll regret. Instead of taking out their anger on a fellow man or woman on the streets they can take their hurt to the court or the field and find satisfaction not through taking things or injuring people but from winning a hard game with their friends.

How important do you think education is in helping kids from disadvantaged communities to create a better life for themselves.

-I think education is paramount to helping kids break through the class divide and make something of themselves out in the world. But realistically the opportunities and facilities just aren't there for most of them. Parents don't have enough money to send kids to good schools and the kids themselves tend lose heart and motivation. It's a real issue and to be honest I'm not sure how we can solve it.

Where do you see thugs in 10 years from now?

- I think there are two directions this can go, I think that there's a good chance that life for them will improve and that more opportunities will be available for them and crime and violence rates will go down, however there is an equally good chance that things will stay the same or even get worse, it's hard to tell right now and I just hope that those of you reading try to keep your head up and make a difference within your own communities in hopes that a better and brighter future can be achieved if we all do our part.