Through Teens' Lenses . | Page 66

Final exhibition of some of the activities we did within the project "Through Teens' Lenses"

We displayed mostly printscreens of the several tasks/ events. This beautiful appealing noticeboard is in the school main atrium completely visible for everyone that is or comes to school. The first ones to come close, watch and ask questions were the youngest students from Primary School!

9ºA from Portugal

By their exhibition of the eTw project.

Dissemination of the project

On the school facebook page people can find some information and the corresponding pictures of two of our activities within the project: "Europe and eTwinning Day" and "Outdoor classroom Day + Biodiversity Day".

Final exhibition of the Project at Escola Básica de Vilarinho do Bairro - Portugal

Two other classes became now more aware of this project, and they expressed their strong will to take part in a similar one next year! They want to experience this adventure as well. They don't want to be left out or behind!