Through Teens' Lenses . | Page 34

How do Portuguese students spend their time at school?

In the canteen

LEANDRO gives some details about our canteen.

In the computers room

ANA RITA, DIANA and RITA tell you a bit more about our school: in the computers room.

A few facts about Vilarinho do Bairro School – Portugal

Vilarinho do Bairro School is in a village surrounded by vineyards, pinewoods and cultivated fields. We are in central Portugal near the cities of Aveiro and Coimbra, and at a distance of about 35 Km from the Atlantic coast. Everyone loves going to the seaside in the summer!

It’s a small humble school, but one with high motivated teachers and a nice pedagogical atmosphere. There are just about 200 students aged 6 – 14/ 15. We are integrated in a huge School Cluster with its seat in the small town of Anadia. This Cluster comprehends kindergarten, primary school, junior, high and secondary school – it’s a population of 2550 students!

Last year the school was awarded the Green Flag after participating in the Eco-Schools Project! A reasonable number of students always participate in different Olympics, which are important challenges. As for extracurricular activities, they have the opportunity to join the Theatre, the Yoga and the Sports Clubs.

The class involved in this Project is 9ºA, whose syllabus includes the following subjects: Portuguese, English, French, Maths, History, Geography, Science, Physics and Chemistry, Art, Physical Education and also Religion as an option. Besides, they also have Citizenship once a week with their Form Teacher.

Every day school starts at 09:10 am and is over at 17:35, but on Wednesday everyone has a free afternoon, unless you are a member of the Sports Club.

The mascot of our school library, which was created by a student and selected in a school contest.

This is the Crest of our small town ANADIA – we are a region of vineyards.

The seat of the School Cluster in the town of ANADIA. There are about 1500 students from junior school (10-11 year-olds) to secondary school (16-18 year-old teens and youth). The remaining students are in Vilarinho School and in other smaller clusters comprising Kindergarten and primary school.

9ºA Class

9º A’s timetable

ING = English

PORT = Portuguese

CN = Science

PExame MAT = Preparation for the Maths national exam

FR = French

PExame PORT = Preparation for the Portuguese national exam

MAT = Maths

DT/Alunos = The Form Teacher has a weekly session with the class to develop topics within CitizenshipGEOG = Geography

EDF = Physical Education

EV = Art

HIST = History

EMRCat = Catholic Religious Education (optional)

FQ = Physics and Chemistry

OV = Vocational Guidance (the school psychologist does this)