Through Her Eyes Winter Demo Issue Vol. 1 1 | Page 8

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Onsectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean auctor metus in velit volutpat, vitae scelerisque augue rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.Maecenas nisl metus, vulputate vel consequat.

I’ve heard more than once people relate feelings to seasons. Summer is often spoken of as a high point, the joy of life. Winter as the morose and lonely time, or the season that we match up with depression. Every season has a purpose, both in life and in the changes we see in the trees. Below, I’ve linked a video that portrays this idea of seasons and emotions in an interesting way; picture a forest of leafless trees in the middle of winter. You can see for miles, where otherwise you couldn’t. There is a clarity that winter brings. Do the trees feel anxious that they will never bloom again or have left? No, I am certain they do not. Should we not be like the trees, rooted and knowing the necessity of the seasons? Knowing that even after the harshest winter, spring will come.

When I reached out to that friend in my life, she replied, “Oh, sweet friend; I completely identify with what you're saying. It feels like you're stuck in a hole you can’t get out of. These are the times when we have to remember and hold onto God’s promises to us. I know it feels like you’re stuck and alone, but He is faithful to come for you, and He will come for you.”

when we have to remember and hold onto God’s promises to us. I know it feels like you’re stuck and alone, but He is faithful to come for you, and He will come for you.”

I don’t know where you're at, and I don’t know what you’re truth is, but that statement was so powerful to me. I felt a sense of peace for a few reasons. First of all, it had been confirmed that I was not crazy or weird for being this way. Second of all, I knew she was right and so I held onto the promises were given to me in God’s Word. I was still in knowing who Jesus is and in His faithfulness. And third, as odd as it seems, I felt a sense of peace knowing this was not the last time I would feel so low. I realized that it was a part of me, but it did not define me. I realized that I will not always be okay… and that’s okay.

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