EP : i think that ' s the best way to handle it
SMC : It ' s the right way of handling it EP : so true
EP : What advice would you give to someone what wants to start their own business on SL ?
SMC : Be passionate and never stop learning , keep improving your craft . As people say : when you do what you love you ' ll never work a day in your life .
EP : ok so a kinda different question to know u a little better
SMC : Sure
EP : If you were stranded on a deserted island , what three things would you have and why ?
SMC : A match to light a fire to keep myself well fed and warm , water filter because let ' s be real no one wants to drink dirty water and a boat to have the option to leave when I want
EP : yeaaa i would die my list is petty .
SMC : what would you bring ? Now I ' m curious
EP : those were some smart answers
SMC : I ' ve been practicing for this question all my life
EP : My iphone don ' t ask me how i would charge it i would find a way
EP : My makeup because i might meet a sexy cave man like on game of thrones and i need to look hot !
EP : and some really nice shoes
SMC : Because how can you walk on sand without some nice shoes , right ?
EP : yesssss i would die but i would go out in style
SMC : I ' m crying right now EP : ( jada . kolda ): omg and a mirror SMC : That would be 4 , no cheating
EP : I think we all want to know your relationship status ? Single ? Taken ? Married ?
EP : Sips tea
SMC : You should give me a sip for this too , on a serious note , I ' m currently dating
EP : ohhhhhh dating yesssss
EP : Well if you get married you have to give us the exclusive and an invitation !
SMC : Definitely , you ' ll be the first to know
EP : Thank you so much for this interview . We wish you all the success in the world and on behalf of Second Life residents we want to thank you again for keeping us trendy !
SMC : Thank you and I ' m glad to have been a part of this . It ' s you all that keeps us inspired to continue and keep doing what we do .
Look out , people . Sync ' d looks to take no prisoners . Be on the look out for more from Sync ’ d motion in the coming months . Summer is here which could possibly mean many more dances . The possibilities are seemingly endless .

" Be passionate and never stop learning , keep improving your craft . As people say : when you do what you love you ' ll never work a day in your life ."

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