THRIVING Melanin Family Magazine September 2018 | Page 66
Uninvited Guests
Kristen Rogers
Although this list was short, I knew that there were party where you were not given a plus one invite
so many different compartments to this resolution to? Same thing when walking in purpose. I quickly
of mines and once I opened them up they would learned that God will at all costs make it known
reveal areas of my life that needed to be torn down whether or not someone or something is welcome
and reconstructed. I had desired nothing more along on your path to purpose.
than to fully operate in my purpose by living out
God 's call on my life and my ultimate heart’s desire 1 Chronicles 15:2 – “Then David said, “No one
was to change the lives of women by reintroducing but the Levites may carry the ark of God, because
them to the love of God. However, going into 2017 the Lord chose them to carry the ark of the Lord
it was revealed to me that in order for me to do
and to minister before him forever.”
these things, there were some people, places and
things that I needed to get rid of. In all honesty, I So there I was, in a new year and still holding on to
was not ready to let go of what was familiar to me people and things that I knew were liabilities to my
but God would not allow me to operate in His purpose. I brought extra people who I figured I
glory unless I carried it with integrity. I chose to do could somehow convince to adapt to my vision. I
it my own way. At this point, I was leaning unto my tried to persuade God into thinking that I had it all
own understating and doing what seemed right for under control and that those who I brought along
me, according to what I could see. I soon found out would yoke up equally with me and catch on to my
that my vision was not 20/20. vision. Have you ever brought along a plus one to a
party where you were not given a plus one invite
to? Same thing when walking in purpose. I quickly
Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way that appears to be
right, but in the end it leads to death.
learned that God will at all costs make it known
whether or not someone or something is welcome
along on your path to purpose.
So there I was, in a new year and still holding on to
people and things that I knew were liabilities to my My ark was God's glory on my life. It was my gifts,
purpose. I brought extra people who I figured I things that He viewed as being too significant for
could somehow convince to adapt to my vision. I just anybody to handle. I learned that I could not
tried to persuade God into thinking that I had it all “just chill” with anybody. I had to be aware of my
under control and that those who I brought along surroundings. I couldn’t allow anyone to speak in
would yoke up equally with me and catch on to my my ear. I had to get out of the club scene
vision. Have you ever brought along a plus one to a immediately. I couldn’t just date anybody. I was
2018 • THRIVE | 63