THRIVING Melanin Family Magazine September 2018 | Page 10
The moment you meet a man and he says you are Say it with me “FANTASY VS REALITY” There you
beautiful you immediately, go!
“ROLL CAMERA!!!” As I am THINKING about the dating world (you
You see the engagement ring, proposal, wedding, catch that? I am thinking about it). I have now
house, kids and happily ever after. come to the truth and reality that when a man
Nope. It was just a compliment. “CUT” knows what he wants he will tell you. He won’t give
you the run around, he won’t play guessing games,
Let me play something back, "Reality vs Fantasy"
his actions will line up with his words and he won’t
lead you on. Notice I said when a “MAN” knows
What was created in your mind from the what he wants. Here is what I have found, if you
conversation you had with the opposite sex? listen and stop allowing your thoughts and
When he said, “You are beautiful. I do want a wife emotions to consume you. You will find out his
and kids in the future.” intentions in his conversation and in his actions.
Your Translation: “You are beautiful and I want you Silence is so powerful because it allows you to
to be my wife and have my kids!” observe and listen.
NOPE! That is not what he said!
You are beautiful. (Compliment) Alright, I will give you all one last example. Men
I want a wife and kids in the future. (Future means: use terms of endearment, Bae, Love, Boo. If you are
at a later time; going or likely to happen or exist.) paying attention notice how many times he says it
This also means that his future might not have you to other women.
in it.
Listen, I am not here to ruin ya’ll imaginary
You see what I just did there. As women we operate relationships. That date you put on your calendar,
out of loneliness, voids or even more for single where you will be wearing white to walk down the
moms wanting to have a family. Every word is over isle. Yeah, he won’t be there. He will probably be
thought; over analyzed and taking somewhere it wondering why you ain’t send him an invitation
did not intend to go. because ya’ll friends, boo.
2018 • THRIVE |