THRIVING Melanin Family Magazine June 2017: A Father's Love | Page 24
through my daughter. This behavior is also abusive
to my daughter, as my daughter wants me just
as much as I want her. I’ve had 4 unsuccessful
lawyers now and after 4 years of trying to keep the
house I bought my “family” to give to my daughter
when she becomes an adult, I’m forced to give it
back to the bank.
Everyday, my rights (per this court order from
August 2014) have been violated. For 4 years,
the neglect to my daughter; which can be seen
through her being diagnosed with vaginitis multiple
times and still to this day has an irritated vagina
and currently wetting the bed for some unknown
reason at this time; and the violations to the court
order by her mother, has not been heard, yet the
instant my daughter’s mother wants more money,
it’s granted. I’ve had to deal with so many people
and systems that just seem to not care about my
daughter including but not limited to DCFS telling
me my daughter’s vaginal issues are normal and
there’s no sign of abuse.
How many good men have walked away? How
many men admit to being abused? How many
men just accept being mistreated? How many
men sit back and don’t fight for the well being of
their children?
I’m a good man, was a great “Husband” and a
pretty awesome Father. Does this mean it’s OK
to take advantage and beat a man like that into
the ground? Take his finances and restrict the
relationship between him and his child as much
as you can?
When I started the divorce process and let her be
free, I was told by attorneys that the child’s best
interest is the main concern for the courts. That’s
interesting, as the neglect to my daughter and the
violations to the court order have yet to be heard.
I’m tired of hurting (yes, men hurt) and I’m tired of
being abused (yes, men are abused). However, my
fight continues! The Marine in me will not allow me
to sit back and let my child suffer and be unhappy.
The law enforcement in me cannot justify how
I willingly risk my life and help random strangers
while my flesh and blood is helpless wondering,
“When will I see and talk to my Daddy again?”,
“It’s normal my private parts hurt.”, “Consistency is
not normal.”, “Changing schools every year is ok.”
Not being allowed to call me, as ordered by the
courts, because every time we did Skype, crying
because she wants to come home to me, is
wrong. Using your professional network within the
Chicago Public School system to restrict a Father’s
involvement with their child, is wrong. Having your
best friend as the day care provider to create
and maintain a hostile environment in hopes the
Father will “lose his cool” while picking his child
up, is wrong.
I AM a Hero. I AM Gia’s Hero...and will not stop
until Gia is free of worry, happy and healthy. Since
before birth, she has been mine. It shows by the
actions of a parent who a child is loved by and
should be with.
#SavingGia #RaisingAwareness #FathersMatter