THRIVING Melanin Family Magazine April 2017: Spring into Your THRIVE! | 页面 8

Spring into the NEW YOU as you THRIVE to be the best you can be!! It’s time to appreciate you and love all the wonders of who you are as a child of God, as a blessing to the earth. You are the first teacher to our growing generation of children. Feel good and enjoy every moment. You may ask “How do I empower myself and not feel guilty about celebrating me?” Repeat these things to yourself every day, once in the morning and then again at night;  • I love me • I deserve to be happy • I am an excellent mom • I have the right to "me" time • I am intelligent  • I am OK with asking for help  by Dr. Angelic Muhammad PhD candidate, MS, MRT, CPLC, Eli-MPv As spring is now upon us, it is time for new air. New air to breathe in and new air to create the NEW YOU. It’s easy to get off track in life because of the many ways we get pulled. Mothers wear many different hats; doctor, teacher, mentor, coach, role model, maid, chauffeur etc... We give all of ourselves as the world sometimes beats us down but we get up, shake it off and jump right back at it again. We do not take the time to rejuvenate ourselves because we are so busy taking care of everyone else. We feel ashamed to ask for help because we don’t want to feel weak. We don’t want people to think we can’t take care of business when deep down inside we are crying and dying like the fox in the hole, peeping out looking for a reaching hand. When the hand is extended to us we don’t know how to take it because we are steadily trying to be “Strong.”  Well, what if I told you that not taking the help and putting stress on your shoulders really makes you weak and causes you to take time off your life? Start building yourself up on a daily basis. Know that with God guiding your steps you do not have to stay in a state of disarray.  This spring 2017, it’s time for you to SPRING into who you are and love YOU on every level. Many of us have busy schedules. Review it daily and see what’s important and what is not. At least once a month put “ME TIME” in your schedule. Make yourself important to you. Make yourself matter in your life. Smile more often. Gain an understanding that your tears and drive are not in vain. Today make a promise to yourself to spring into the NEW YOU and THRIVE to be the best YOU, you can be! I believe in your success. I understand your struggle. I get it, we are doing this together. You are not alone. Say it out loud: I choose to spring into the “NEW ME” and I am THRIVING to be the best ME I know I am because I deserve it! Receiving is “not a sin.” Receiving is not “Bad.” You have a right to breathe. You have a right to take a nap. You have a right to cry. You have a right to say “NO.” You have a right to be a woman. You have a right to laugh. You have a right to live. You have a right to be vulnerable. Just because you’re a mother does not mean you do not have rights too. You are special. God gave you an assignment to raise his children and guide them to greatness. You are one of a kind because you were assigned to the children you have. You are in a space that no man or woman can take from you. 6 THRIVE MAGAZINE THRIVE MAGAZINE 7