(continued from p. 7)
Starting Over by Looking Back
So what are the lessons back there that lay strewn among the ashes and carnage? We would rather not pick through that stuff if we had our druthers. It’s ugly. It’s often painful. And sometimes there’s a stench back there that reeks of abuse, abandonment, betrayal and loss. So we’ve buried it . . . a long time ago. Why unearth it? We unearth it because seeds for growth are sown in fields of pain. What seems dead is very often alive.
Start Over by Reinvesting Your Life
Try again. Give life another shot. Do it differ
ently maybe, but go at it again. Believe that things in life spend infinitely more energy trying to live than working to die. Life is about living. Look around you as spring moves across the landscape. Life fights back. It’s designed to overcome. It’s intentional about living with intention. It takes seeds that seem dead and from them, life brings forth life. How about you? Ever feel dead? How about believing in a new day, giving life another shot and watching what happens. The seeds are ready.
Study Questions:
1. If I were to do a frank and honest inventory of my life, what two major things would I or should I change?
2. Am I willing to be accountable for these two things and not rationalize them or place blame? If I am not willing to be accountable for these two things, do I understand that they likely won't change?
3. As I think about these two things, should I change them or eliminate them?
4. What is the first concrete and practical step I can take in either changing or eliminating these two things?
Cleaning Up Our Lives
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