Thrive; Evolutionary Consciousness July August 2013 | Page 26


Lift that veil, so long-ago applied, from what many feel necessary to hide...

What many regard as a life-force gift to the world, some keep unopened for anyone to see...

revealing of any gifts inside, bestowed upon thee...

for why are some left uncovered, based on genataliaee..

As eyes are a window to ones soul, some are meant to conceal that light inside, as others conform to and take direction for our lives, simply in stride...

what is seen as acting in someone else's show, those under the veil, also never know their true role ...

some will try to hide, what so many have fought for and died...

leave many to ponder, what's there for me, outside...that same veil...

isn't it time for us to remove the layers placed upon us, meant to suppress that which some fear as threats of control, applied to our life-force, in many forms...

time to escape the darkness of conformity meant to stifle that which many could consider....

that veil applied to me...

Just one request though, onto thee, when left to oversee those of us looking for the light...

I too look at those guiding my hand forward outside the darkness...

to find it from within to not suppress my individual gifts as what could be reformed to help self...or many....

instead all on that same journey towards that same understanding, for guidance, but really, even at the end, does anyone really know where we are headed?. .

just appreciate guides along the way, directing those towards imminent uncertainty which really should value and count on each other along the journey...

to where? No one really knows...

Just remove that veil along the way...


Lift The Veil

by Edward Gibbons