Thrive; Evolutionary Consciousness July August 2013 | Page 22


Dreams often bring you ways to solve life issues. You’ve had your dream for a reason. They aren’t telling you that you’re wrong or bad. Dream guidance is lost when you dismiss, ignore, or push it away. You can begin by using the questions below to dig deeper.

• How does this dream relate to my life?

• Is my dream reaction appropriate?

• Do I feel like this in life?

• Is the dream suggesting that I do something?

• How old do I feel?

• Is this a real place?

• How did I feel when I woke up?

Record your answers and include any thoughts, feelings or ideas that arise. Try not to edit anything out. Almost anything can have value and help you to come to a final conclusion.

You can continue your dream exploration by focusing on a particular scene. This can help you feel focused, and less confused, especially when reviewing a longer dream. The initial scene can set the tone for the entire dream. Often, the bulk of your time analyzing your dream might even be spent just working with this scene.

Once you feel like you’ve found something of value, you could move onto the next scene. Of course, when you’re first beginning dream interpretation you might think you haven’t found anything. That’s okay. Don’t feel as if you have to spend hours reviewing and exploring your dream. You’ll be surprised at what you uncover in just a few minutes.

Also, an idea might come at a later time. Be gentle on yourself and have compassion too, as the dream may bring up connected memories and feelings. But, remember that your dream is offering valuable guidance. Work with whatever comes to you, as it can all be important. And, be willing to ask for help if you need it.

Rob Ragozzine