Thrive; Evolutionary Consciousness Jan 2014 | Page 7

Librans have a special affinity for music, art or any object of beauty. Consider a custom-made playlist to add to their ample collection. Or splurge on tickets to a musical, or concert performance they like; just ensure you get two tickets – they hate to do anything alone. If you see a gorgeous piece of unique clothing, aim for a colour palette of mauve, indigo, royal or navy blue, or rosy pinks. Because Librans often hate making decisions, get them a joke gadget that they can spin or turn on to get a yes or no answer. Whatever you give them must be wrapped with the greatest care, and pleasing to the eye. You also can’t go wrong with a gift certificate for esthetic treatments like facials or make-overs. It will make them feel beautiful and more centered.

Scorpions are secretive by nature, so give them something that maintains their privacy. Educate them on how to avoid being tracked on the internet unless they are the one doing the detective work! Or try a pair of designer sunglasses, or dramatic scarves; their colours are black and deep blood red. They also love a good mystery, especially if complex or a spy thriller involving conspiracy theories. For a child, consider a magic kit. Or subscribe them to a magazine that highlights power players amongst the world’s rich and famous. Film noirs go over well, but so do any films that dig beneath the surface, like documentaries about what’s really going on in the world. They don’t mind gifts that they have to assemble and couldn’t care less how something is wrapped.

The best gift you can give a Sagittarian is the gift of travel. Why not join forces with friends to chip in for an amazing trip. If that’s not possible, consider travel books or DVD’s that tour the world for them. If buying for a child, you can’t go wrong with an educational globe. Sagittarians are extremely generous, and love to see this quality in others. They might even appreciate a donation to a university or personal cause. This is one of the few signs that would love the surprise of a puppy on Xmas morning. Many Sagittarians too, enjoy the great outdoors so try camping equipment; hiking boots or a water proof coat. Lastly, consider anything that will enhance their wisdom, widen their perspective and get them philosophizing about life.

Capricorns are career-oriented; no matter what they’re doing at present, they are quietly aiming for something higher. Depending on where they are in their climb, consider a leather carrier or case for their laptop or iPad. They are also known as one of the most ‘elegant’ signs, because they prefer under-stated modesty when they are young. Though as they mature and become successful, they let their true selves out and value more flamboyance in colour and style. And just because they’re ambitious doesn’t mean they don’t also like to have fun. Loosen them up with comedic DVD’s or sitcoms, so they can put their feet up and relax at the end of the day. Or tantalize them with biographies of successful people. Hint: Give them something decadent; they’ll never buy it for themselves.